Best Built ultrasonic cleaning machines bring a new level to the price / performance ratio of ultrasonic cleaners. These powerful machines have been designed for the unique needs of the jewelry trade. Best Built units use ULTRASONIC wavelengths short enough to clean the finer aspects of jewelry, yet feature enough power to remove caked on dirt, as well as rouge and other compounds found in a jewelry shop. Best Built Ultrasonics are constructed of only the highest quality components, from stainless steel construction and German made timers and switches on the outside to the top of the line industrial strength transducers on the inside, the quality and craftsmanship of Bestbuilt ultrasonics is unmatched by any jewelers line we have seen. The 2.6 gallon (10.5 qt) model features a heater, timer and external drain making operating this machine quick and easy. The timer has a 30 minute limit and the temperature is adjustable between 85 - 185 F degrees (30 - 85 C degrees). The 15.5" x 10.5" inch foot print of this machine makes it a space saver and easy to transport if needed. Best Built Ultrasonics feature a 2 Year Warranty on the transducers and 1 Year overall.